In October and July 2000, Dr. Roberto Coria of Los Juicios por la Verdad, Dr. Lindolfo Bertinat, Dr. Vildor Garavelli, Mathilde Bruera and Daniel Luna, all of Rosario Sante F?were subjected to letter bombs, office break-ins, threats and assaults. Many of these lawyers are directors of human rights organizations. Human rights organizations in Argentina report that these lawyers became targets of threatening actions after becoming involved as lawyers investigating ‘disappearances’ (murders) that occurred during the dirty war period, a period of state terrorism in the 1970s. An Argentine Judge (Gabriel Cavallo) in March 2001 declared the impunity and amnesty laws covering this period to be unconstitutional.


Letters were sent in reference to Mathilde Bruera and Daniel Luna to the Governor of Santa F?and to the Subsecretary of Human Rights for Argentina.