France Moulin, Lawyer

Re: France Moulin, Lawyer

To: Dominique Perben, Ministere de la Justice

President de la Repulblique, Monsieur Jacques Chirac

From: Charles B. Davison

Date: 2005-05-06

I am writing to you at this time concerning the case of Me. France Moulin, a lawyer who has been imprisoned since April 19, 2005 for allegedly wrongfully divulging information obtained in the course of her duties as defence counsel to a person accused of money laundering. She is alleged to have provided information to a friend of her client. We understand that pursuant to a law passed on March 9, 2004, any lawyer suspected of providing information to someone who may be a defendant or accomplice may be imprisoned for up to five years.

We are concerned about the situation of Me. Moulin because her imprisonment seems to clearly stem from her efforts to carry out her professional obligations and duties. This seems to be a situation where a lawyer is being persecuted and intimidated in a situation and circumstances which carry grave implications and consequences for the independence of the French legal profession, and the rights of all citizens of your country who may have need of legal counsel in the future.

We respectfully call for France Moulin to be released immediately and for the law to be amended to ensure that lawyers who are acting in the best interests of their clients and in the proper fulfillment of their duties be protected from charges, prosecution and imprisonment in the future.